Take Action to Protect Animals From Poison
Call for a municipal ban on all rodenticides.
Rodenticides pose serious threats to domestic animals, Ontario wildlife species, the environment, and human health. While rodenticides are legal, their permitted use is inconsistent with the obligations owed by the government to protect its citizens and the environment from harmful chemicals.
It is time that we demand safe, humane solutions to pest control.
What Can You Do?
Read our Fact Sheet about the dangers of rodenticides and alternative methods.
Find their contact information on your local council website.
Sign our petition urging the Association of Municipalities Ontario to support municipal bans on the use of rodenticides.
Email Template:
Dear Mayor and Council,
I am writing to you because I am extremely concerned about the use of rodenticides in [INSERT MUNICIPALITY]. It is well-known that the wide-spread use of poisons in rodent control is harming, and too often killing, birds, pets and other wildlife. Rodenticides often enter the soil and waterways, harming our greenspaces and impacting the health of our ecosystem.
I do not believe these dangerous and harmful chemicals have a place in Ontario, and I am asking you to say no to them once and for all.
Twenty municipalities across British Columbia have already passed motions or instated by-laws to ban the use of rodenticides on municipal property. Effective July 21, 2021, the B.C. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy also put in place an 18-month ban on the widespread sale and use of Second-Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides and a scientific review of the root causes of secondary poisoning.
It is time for municipalities across Ontario to follow suit. I urge you to take action now by passing a by-law banning all rodenticide use on all outdoor properties.
Kind regards,